Big Data Analytics.

Red Data harnesses the power of data science by leveraging a combination of machine learning, field experiments, and extreme statistical rigor to target supporters.

With this approach, we can help your campaign become more efficient in identifying and prioritizing the voters and donors most likely to support you and your campaign. Whether you are working on a levy, mayoral election, or issue campaign contact Red-Data. One of the most important assets of your campaign is the data. We will take your internal data (email recipients lists, voter lists, whatever you have we will take) add value by amalgamating it with our own proprietary data sources and employing modern machine learning techniques to come back with insights your campaign can use for grassroots outreach, fundraising, direct mail, or for help with your web presence.

What we do

Opinion Mining

Costly surveys yield increasingly unreliable results, and are proving not be have the value they once did. Opinion Mining and Sentiment analysis are ways to capture the voice of the voter using social media. We can capture and analyze the voice of the customer using social data from Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Pinterest, Google+, Instagram, and many more social media sites.


Our predictive models can provide a roadmap for determining which voters will contribute to a campaign and the dollar amount.

Voter Targeting

Red Data uses machine learning to help your campaign narrow its focus on the right voters.

With Red-Data, we help you establish a relationship with your base.

Clients we serve

Municipal - Gubernatorial - Congressional - Presidential
Issues Campaigns
Super PACs
State Parties

Who We Are

Daniel Hoicowitz
Founding Partner

Half political operative and half data scientist.
Well versed in SAS, R, Python, and SQL programming languages.
Dan is able to take complex data and find actionable insights to drive voters to the polls.
In the past he has managed and worked on multiple campaigns and served as a statistician in both the private and public sectors. He has a Masters in Economics from American University and a Masters in Mathematics and Statistics from Georgetown.
He has over a decade of working on campaigns ranging from school board to US Senate.

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